Sunday, November 2, 2014

Work and Kayak Fishing

Do you find it difficult finding time to get out on the water, because of WORK (Weary Overload Recreation Killer?) I know I sure do. I bet you have said to yourself, "If only I could fish for a living. How awesome that would be, getting paid to do what I love." Would it really be as great as we think though? That's what I wanted to find out, so I called the one man who would know, Chad Hoover.

Now in case you don't know who Chad is, he's kind of a big deal in the kayak fishing world. Not only does he own and operate one of the largest kayak fishing gear stores in the country, HOOK1, he also stars in Kayak Bassin TV on WFN and Knot Right Kayak Fishing on NBC Sports. He is literally living the dream that so many of us have, getting paid to fish. Here are his thoughts.

ME: What made you get into kayak fishing, and then want to do it for a living?

CHAD: I got into it because I saw a niche or unique way to fish that really appealed to me. Doing it for a living just kind of happened. I always felt it would happen, but it wasn't something I was trying to achieve in the beginning. 

ME: Are you happy with how it turned out? 

CHAD: ABSOLUTELY! I'm having fun doing what I love. The best part of it all, I get to promote this sport and meet lots of great people along the way. My goal is to unite kayak anglers everywhere. 

ME: Do you have any regrets?

CHAD: Not at all!

ME: What's it like to be so well known, to so many people? Has it changed you in any way?

CHAD: I don't think it has changed me at all. The guy you see on TV cutting up and joking around is who I really am. Sometimes my producer has to reel me in, just so we can film. I've always enjoyed entertaining people, to be honest I like the attention. Now there are times when I would like to just go out and not be recognized, but I knew what I signed up for. I would never pass up the opportunity to talk kayak fishing with anyone and everyone.

ME: Do you ever get burnt out?

CHAD: There are times, sure. It's still work after all. I eat, sleep and breathe kayak fishing. It's the first thing I think about in the morning and it's the last thing I think about at night, I even dream about it. Sometimes, I want a break from it, but that's not really possible. It's also a lot of pressure to film a show, where you have to catch fish and make sure your guests catch fish. No matter the weather or conditions, you need to put fish in the boat. Plus you have to make sure it was all on camera. I love it though, I kind of feed on the pressure.

ME: What advice would you give to those of us who don't fish for a living in regards to juggling work, and fishing? I know it's difficult for me to find time to do both sometimes.

CHAD: First I would ask how much time do you spend watching TV? Then what time do you get up and go to bed? I rarely watch any TV, and I'm up at 5 in the morning and won't see bed until midnight almost every day. You have to find time for what you love to do. It's all about time management. I find the time that most people waste in a given day.

ME: What about family time? How are you able to still find time for them?

CHAD: I bring them with me. I started taking my son out at 18 months old. It's a great way to spend family time together. Again it's all about time management.

ME: Any last thoughts or tips you could share with us?

CHAD: Well, last year I was beginning to not enjoy fishing or the show that much. Kayak fishing for a living or for a television show, is not the same as kayak fishing for fun. Even I find it hard to juggle work and fishing. This year, I decided to enjoy it all more. Now my son and I stay an extra day on location, just to fish together. No cameras, no stress just fishing. You just have to make the time.

Well there you go, straight from the horse's mouth. I hope Chad doesn't mind me calling him a horse. Even if you kayak fish for a living, it can be a challenge to balance work with fishing, but it's doable. Don't forget to check out HOOK1 Kayak Fishing Gear for all your kayak fishing needs.


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